How do I contact the school and what are the office hours?
Where is SLA located?
Does SLA offer college credit courses?
Is SLA more structured than other schools?
Do you offer independent study or homeschool programs?
Does SLA offer sports?
Does SLA accept students with IEPs and 504s?
How can I get more involved in school activities?
How do I receive important school information by phone or text?
How do I view my student’s grades and attendance, and update parent information?
Download the Aeries Mobile Portal application to your device or go to the Aeries website to register for an account.
How can I stay up to date with activities, sports, and school news?
How do I enroll my student at SLA?
What is the uniform policy and dress code for students?
Where do I purchase pants and shoes that meet SLA dress code?
All students receive two polos and one sweatshirt for free. Additional items can be purchased in the student store or the web store.
Pants and shoes can be purchased separately at various stores like Walmart, Big 5, Kohls, and JCPenney’s.
What are the requirements to enroll in SLA?
How do I apply for the free/reduced lunch program?
How to I add money to my student’s student store account?
How do I apply for school bus transportation?
How do I update emergency contact information for my student?
Does SLA accept students with a history of discipline at previous school?