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High Desert
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Welcome to Summit Leadership Academy
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Added Jun 13, 2023
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what makes the school you need is one besides we get to fill those great rapport with these students because we are such a small school we like to say Summit family you go to public school you go to other high schools and you can get lost in the crowd and everybody has no thousands of kids here where it's more you know it's the less population you have direct mentorship and guidance from now only no teeth Google search in military law enforcement background as well that really help the youth and students you know who become law abiding citizen the people of great value we have those fire military academies that are kind of like the back go to the school we try to make it as fun and exciting as possible get a taste of those career paths are there going to be in to do my old investigations and how to do an investigation and above all else we want that Define their passion prove it to your action don't tell me it matters show me a map of the quarantine so March 2020 I was struggling a little bit just finding like who I was as a person but one of my teachers he pushed me to be better and look at the brighter thing and to focus on finding myself to be the bigger person and the hard situations I really appreciate that because it's kind of hard sometimes to our school that has also emphasized leadership and when you have those skills and you can pretty much accomplished anything there's always going to be leadership at every different level from a captain of a team to maybe a club that has a president of the club rise the r stands for responsibility I stands for integrity vs is safety and the key is excellent because I get in all three of the and we have those are the type of people those jobs are looking for high integrity honesty and ability to serve the public we make sure that they are set when they graduate the wood permits we help you find a job the resumes Summit wants to see each students succeed the teachers and principal that they're still reaching back hey I got connections here here in gear this is where the Network stars this is where the family starts at some of these Academy
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